This is a Casita the KOA Tuscon rents. It has a nice patio and garden space completely enclosed. I was impressed; I'd never seen anything like this.
We did choose to head to Sedona. Weather is predicted to be in the upper 50's low 60's during the day and upper 30's at night. We found a site at Rio Verde Campground in Cottonwood, Az. 17 miles south of Sedona. The photos are from a hike we did from the campground.
The building is a Catholic Church. I was hoping it was a monastary (Monastary=Monks=Mead?) We headed toward Sedona on Friday taking a back road through the Red Rock State Park Loop. Holy Moly- The Homes!!!
I wonder what landed there! It is so gorgous here!
Devils Bridge is one of the top must do areas to visit in Sedona. We did a bit of googling and decided we were up for it; especially since we could 4x4 to within a mile of the site. But this is not mudding; this is washboards 3 feet deep. This is driving staircases. It is considered easy and boring to the locals! I do have to say our old Rubicon did great. (The photo is not us but it is the route). Then came the one mile hike. There had been a bit of snow, which became ice and then melted into mud. But we thought it's just a mile, and there were a lot of other people doing it. But it kept getting more and more treacherous and we kept thinking we have got to be near the end, so we kept going. Bob decided he'd done what he could do but I thought we were close so I continued. So scary. It was slippery or muddy rocks and I was very happy to get back down to them. Here is Bob and Charlie waiting for me.
In downtown area of Sedona we came across a gallery with a number of these spectacular wind catchers.


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